About me

Hi, My name is Matthijs.

I am a 18-year-old game developer. I am currently studying game development at Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht and I will tell you a little about myself.

My love for gaming began at a young age, and I have always been fascinated by the way that games can transport players to different worlds and immerse them in new stories and experiences. I am constantly inspired by the creativity and innovation that I see in the gaming industry, and I am determined to become a part of that world.

In addition to gaming, I am also a big fan of hockey, and enjoy playing and watching it in my free time. I also have a passion for music, and spend a lot of time playing the piano and guitar, a hobby that allows me to express myself creatively in a different way.

When I am not coding or playing games, I love hanging out with my friends, traveling to new places and experiencing new things.

I am excited to continue my journey in the game development industry and I am always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. This portfolio showcases some of my work, and I hope you enjoy exploring it. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments.